Stuck in the same old place at work, in your personal life or still waiting for your dreams to become a reality? This is the perfect workshop for those of you ready to make a change – to help you bust through assumptions, unleash your creative ideas and take courageous action to finally make the move to where you really want to be.
Bring your SOS and you will be transformed to SWOW! (So Well On the Way).
What is SOS (Same Old Stuff)? It’s the place you find yourself in over and over again. At one time or another, most people end up stuck doing the same thing in some aspect of their lives. For example, here we are again …
• Unhappy at work, wondering what else we could be doing
• Being passed over for a promotion to a coveted position
• In a meeting listening to co-workers or your executive team rehash the same old problems with no resolution
• Watching someone else doing what we have always dreamed about, but not making any progress toward making it happen for ourselves
Where would you like to be instead? WOW — Well On the Way to being where you really wish you were. WOW is…
• No longer stuck in a “no progress” repetitive cycle.
• Achieving your goals instead of wondering how you ended up in the same old place.
• Making creativity a part of your daily life so that you are able to more effectively solve problems, analyze and take risks and remove barriers to success.
• Staying motivated and making real progress toward your dreams and goals.
Whatever your SOS is, and wherever you want to go, your workshop leader, Margaret Johnson will get you unstuck! In this workshop she will provide tips and techniques to get you focused, unleash your creative genius, bust your assumptions on what is possible and plan steps for intelligent risk taking to get you moving in the right direction. Participants will walk away with new ideas and inspiration to finally achieve WOW!
Saturday September 16, 2017
Tulane University – Houston Campus
1700 West Loop S Ste 900, Houston, TX 77027
$95 – includes lunch
Early bird pricing - $75 through September 1
Sign up early – seating is limited