We are bombarded with information. It makes it difficult to make decisions as well as be productive. The participants will be able to recognize when they are falling into INFOBesity and why, apply practices such as high-performance habits, a values assessment, filtering incoming requests and information, emotional intelligence and others to reduce the influx and manage their work and life more effectively. They will change the way they start their day and work for peak performance.
Learning Objectives:
* Participants will be able to clarify what INFObeisty is and how it affects their performance.
* Participants will learn and practice techniques - i.e. high-performance habits, focus, filtering, emotional intelligence strategies, meditation/strategy time - to reduce the negative effects of information overload.
* Participants will utilize tips to create an action plan and commit with an accountability partner to practice strategies.
For SWE (Society of Women Engineers) and their guests.
To register and for more information - click here.